Dog Gets In The Way Of Exercising Showing Real Affection For Owner

6 years ago

Let's face it - cats don't care about you unless you bring them food. Fish are perfectly happy as long as your fingers drop pellets into the water each day. And hamsters hardly need mere humans when they have the wonderful spinning wheel. Dogs, on the other hand, love to be around humans as much as humans love to be around dogs. From licking your face when you wake up to sitting on your feet when your toes are cold, dogs serve as a gentle alarm clock and the best slippers you'll ever have.

When it comes to exercising at home, pets can be real nuisance. Boomer, a cute Newfoundland, doesn't want when his owner exercises at home. Instead, he wants her to give him all her attention. Through his sweet temperament, Boomer shows that sometimes he can get stubborn and picky and all he ever wants is to be around his human, regardless of her enthusiasm for workouts and regardless of the fact the she is set and done, ready to start.

The closer she gets to doing her usual exercising routine, the more obstructive Boomer is. By putting his paws on her tummy a few times in a row, he makes it impossible for her to get down to some exercising. He keeps on standing in the way of the physical activity. The lady’s fruitless attempts to try and get him off her, turn into a mission doomed to fail form the very beginning. Boomer just wants to be paid more attention to and he will do everything in his power to get what he wants, because he is very sociable and needs more companionship than many other breeds. He doesn’t do well when left alone for long periods.

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