Don't Fall for Bird Flu B.S. Disease 'X' & More Lockdowns? They're slaughtering our Chicken Dinners.

9 months ago

Dr. Jane Ruby reports on the next pandemic they are setting up H5N1 - the bird flu. And of course they are using the PCR test, you know the test that can not detect a live virus, Per Kerry Mullis the man who invented it.
More lies about sequencing she explains.
Another virus never isolated- More dangerous bioweapon shots, more genocide. When will it ever end? When we say no more needles, no more vaccines, we say no!!
Do not comply folks.
Poor chickens being slaughtered. Our food is being destroyed at the same time they are using them to control us with a fake flu.
The chicken-shits. We've got to stop the psychopaths. The CDC needs to be disbanded..
Please support the Interest in Justice legal team in Costa Rica litigating for a World Tribunal Nuremberg Two. Check out their website , it has a lot of good information. I wish they'd be interviewed more...but be sure to watch the interview on our channel here..

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