This LIVE was NUKED 45 min in. Too much Truth!

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I apologize and have put in a support ticket to Rumble but for some reason this show did not fully upload correctly after I was nuked live 45 minutes in just getting ready to share some information and WHAM! My apologies hopefully it will come back!

We have foreign insurgents running our government. Actors. Persons with either no moral compass at all, or people so controlled in this system, they are afraid to step out of line and go with the flow without using their voices. Corruption is amongst us as people sit behind their TV's in fear, complain and ultimately do nothing. Hope that someone or something is going to swoop in to save the day! Well I have news for you.... WE ARE THE ONES WE ARE WAITING FOR ! If you are awake, don't sit back and be a crappy extra in this B flick movie. Be the Star of your own show and use your voice, because it is very powerful! Deliver your message in a higher frequency in TRUTH, and watch everyone begin to squirm who is either leading or following this brain-washing agenda installed here in our world. They have been conditioned since birth to conform. Many know the truth but are to afraid to speak out. Well we must ask ourselves this question. Do we want our grand children growing up in a one world government and religion of communism? I don't. And that is why I am standing now for what is right! I have Allodial Title to my land and have now served Jared Fieldng, Eric Todd Jones and Ken Hohenberg in a counter-claim. You want proof? I've got MORE proof of bank fraud then I know what to do with and it will come out. Allodial Title. Final Judgment and their admittance of guilt via tacit acquiescence. Proof of several codes on their end broken against me and undisputed admitting guilt. But the worst of all was and is going against my inalienable rights, right to due process and bull dozing through even when legitimate bank fraud/white-collar crime is taking place. Where is the justice? There is none. Not for us because we are unprotected, sitting ducks in this corporate system that protects each other at all cost. They are all in on it and the many attorneys who are merely blind in the system are steering the ship and making sure people don't get off of the maritime/admiralty law ship. Find out the truth on how the bank steals from you after a foreclosure. It will make you sick when you find out about the one page document that steals peoples homes on the back end when its all said in done. I will have my proof! There is no money. All debt is fraud. Banks provide $0 while you slave for 30 years to pay off the balance PLUS INTEREST... when EWE provided all of the credits for your loan. via the Promissory Note. If that is the case, what consideration did the bank provide? They provided nothing. Its time we wake up to the prison planet they have kept us under for far too long. Its time to say NO MORE! Become Part of a Movement to Save the World! Kat Espinda

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