"Kisses Of Rust Taste" edit preview 05 09 2024 Sacred Root kava Bar edit Lome marsupial

5 months ago

preview thing
hit 'distort' for the audio track in this prev., so
undoing that. Am salvaging badly recorded audio
but making a video to accompany it any-way
just to keep in a habit of editing.
Even when time or life or equiptment doesn't "let you"
"have the time" to create, you create anyhow, and
sturdy through the act of DOINGness. So I'm doing it.

Dragging setttings over to a laptop which has
MORE RAM onto it. But its windows 11. So may
needs lotsa adjusting. anyhow recording is 05/8/24
Sacred Root Kava Bar improvised set while exhausted.

gonna see what I can do to make the audio kinda
alright. learned the distort compression doesn't always
lift it well. Going to widen the channels. Basically you
have to set a recorder at a peachy room spot. This is
just camera + its audio, however. Outta my own measely pocket
all the time so it's a roughin' it.
Eating more ghost pepper chips(!) and tinkering with video image ideas and montages.


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