X-Face - a clueless equivalence re gender & race

9 months ago

You know, like blackface. TranZ face. But X. X out yer sex. Bring out yer dead. Be all the Woman you can be, with makeup and cosmetic surgery -- or contrariwise ... we don't want to discriminate against the chicks.

Vaudevillian blackfacers (B-face) like Al Jolson used burnt cork, easy to remove. Bert Williams was a black performer who wore blackface -- he wasn't black enough, otherwise. That's a problem nowadays too, not being sufficiently authentically black, not all Black Faces Matter. Just ask biden: "You ain't black!!!" (Endquote.)

All this is in the nature of analogy. If there weren't differences, they'd be the same thing. Blackface, and tranZ surgery. TranX.

Old-time "race"-"PASSING" was for social advantage in a repressive state; seX-passing is about narcissism, dysphoria -- a dysfunXtional state, emotional, spiritual. There should be a law about what I'm saying - counterpart to Godwin's Law (mention Hitler = you lose). *No comparing tranZ with race.*

We haven't been asked to participate in a mass hysteria before ... well, the Salem witch trials ... and the Civil War ... and Covidism ... examples are easy.

Ours now, wokism, is specifically evil, attacking children. It is particularly toxic, because tranzism is sexual in nature, down past the genetic level, to spirit itself, male spirit in wrong body, or contrariwise. Wrong chromosome, wrong sex, wrong race, wrong god.

Jack H

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