May 9, 2024

10 months ago

The Fool Seeks Hermit for wisdom Energy Vlog title is from the date May 9, 2024 thus we have #22 the Fool the beginning of the hero's Journey a need to be aware of where you are going. the hermit is form the amplitude of 27 which adds to 9 the hermit.
The Schumann Resonance Today Disclosure News site showed us two amplitudes today, a power of 19 at 10:45 AM UTC thus 19 we have a binary sun or did once upon a time. the Sun is abundance. The big spike of the amplitude power of 27 at 5:00 PM UTC thus we have the Pope also seeking the Hermit for his inner wisdom to enhance the popes sound spiritual message. The quality power of 7 the chariot tele us to take charge and direct the chariot toward our true path. The frequency average is 7.83 hertz t thus we have # 18 the Moon in Gemini there are two sides to the story.

Therefore we can say: The Fool seeks the Hermit to tell him howto do the hero's Journey Swiftly like the chariot under a Gemini new Moon.
Schumann Resonance Today Disclosure News site:
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