March for Life vs. Women's March

4 months ago

𝗠𝗮𝗸𝗲 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗧𝗵𝗿𝗲𝗲 𝗛𝗮𝗶𝗹 𝗠𝗮𝗿𝘆's 𝗣𝗹𝗲𝗱𝗴𝗲. 𝗖𝗹𝗶𝗰𝗸 𝗛𝗲𝗿𝗲:

March for Life vs. Women's March

You’ll be shocked to hear how extreme this contrast is between these two different groups of people who live in the same nation. It reveals a great division. One America stands for God and moral values and the other America tramples on those same values and lives for themselves.

Just to briefly describe the marches I’m talking about, the March for Life is the largest annual rally to end abortion. It’s youthful, peaceful, and prayerful. In contrast, the Women’s March promotes abortion on demand and its followers support free love, homosexuality, transgenderism and hate moral values.

And both sides were asked the same 6 questions by TFP Student Action.

The first question was: What was your reaction to the reversal of Roe v. Wade?

The pro-lifers responded with joy. They said they were praising the Lord. And those at the Women’s March responded that they were disappointed and fearful. Nothing too surprising here.

But you might be stunned at the responses to question number 2: Which side of the debate has the most momentum right now? Those interviewed at the March for Life didn’t hesitate to claim that victory for the pro-life side. More than one pro-lifer said that truth is on their side, and you can’t beat the truth.

In contrast, those at the Women’s March were unsure in their answers. One young woman answered, “Yes and no.” She believed the organization was a little off and if they wait a little bit longer the turnout should be larger. Another woman said, “I want to side with us. I want to side with pro-choice. And I’m hoping that we have enough to push through. I genuinely don’t know if we will. But I believe in us so hard.” Hmm…that doesn’t sound very confident to me.

Okay, on to question 3: What’s the greatest injustice in America right now? Again, without hesitation, the pro-lifers were undivided: Abortion, plain and simple is the greatest injustice in America right now.

And those at the Women’s March took a different route. One woman answered “poverty,” another, “gun rights,” and another, “the treatment of woman.”

So then it was important to ask both sides the big question, “What’s the role of purity and chastity in the abortion debate?” The pro-lifers unanimously agreed that those virtues have a role in saving the unborn. A pro-life woman left no room for debate when she said, “It’s the first step. If you don’t want to bear the consequences of intimacy then you should practice a chaste life.”

Unsurprisingly, a pro-choicer at the Women’s March did not agree. “Kids will be kids. That’s all I gotta say,” she answered, indicating there’s no room for self-control.

Now on to the fifth question, which dealt with Planned Parenthood’s decision to offer puberty blockers to children. What’s your reaction to that? TFP asked. Here’s what they said…

And this last question is amusing because of the absurdity of such a question in the first place: True or False? Only women can get pregnant.

Can you guess the answers? On the pro-life side, 6 out of 6 gave a confident affirmative. True. Only women get pregnant.

On the pro-choice side, answers varied a bit. The first feminist had to think about it. After a couple seconds, she laughed “True.”

The others? False, false, and false. “Trans-men can also be pregnant as well,” one leftist said.
All of this indicates there’s a battle between the America that loves God and His law and the America that promotes vice and the culture of death.

Which America do you want? Which America will you fight for? For peace in our world, we have our marching orders from Our Lady of Fatima. Pray and do penance for the conversion of sinners.

And don’t forget to pray especially for both Americas. Please join me today in making the three Hail Marys pledge—simply pray three Hail Marys a day!—and offer your prayer to help me spread awareness of Our Lady’s Fatima Message to save as many souls as possible.

Please click the link below to make the three Hail Marys pledge now!

March for Life vs. Women's March

America Needs Fatima is a campaign to capture the heart and soul of America with the Message of Our Lady of Fatima. In 1917, Our Lady asked for prayer, penance and other measures to avoid chastisement of suffering, famines, and wars. She also promised that:

“Finally, my Immaculate Heart will triumph.”


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