BREAKING: Biden's Israel Decision Sparks Outrage

5 months ago

Right, so Genocide Joe Biden, I’d imagine he’s aware of that nickname by now, but it appears he’s only just clicked as to why people are calling him it and with Israel’s move into Rafah and seizing control of the border crossing, in violation of the Camp David Accords, is one more move by the Netanyahu administration to derail ceasefire talks, a ceasefire he himself has already ruled out despite Hamas having accepted the deal on the table. It is now obvious and impossible to deny that the problem is Netanyahu now, even the most ardent of supporters can’t evade what is abundantly clear, though if they choose to deny it still, that is very much on them and worse if they defend it, if committing genocide against tens of thousands of Gazans, with the potential for that number to skyrocket as attacks on Rafah increase with greater ferocity, then they deserve to go down with him and that is a fate that has to be looking more and more likely, given that even Joe Biden, Israel’s staunchest global supporter and arms supplier, has just done something that appears to be a sign of rowing back on that, though any thoughts of self preservation he might have, given what he has allowed to go on for seven months already, the one man who could stop it all, is it enough and is it too late?
Right, so Biden is in a panic over the Israeli invasion of Gaza, the ongoing genocide, but obviously this doesn’t concern the number of people that have been killed, if that bothered him so much, he would have stepped in before Gaza had been virtually completely razed to the ground north to south. What is making him panic is the fact that he and his administration have no control whatsoever over Netanyahu anymore and as a result of that, don’t control their colonialist project, their stake in the Middle East as they have been accustomed to in the past and that is in no small part due to the fact that when it comes down to it, and especially in light of the fact the US under Biden have sought to avoid ever placing sanctions of any kind on Israel instead offering only unabashed, unavowed support at all times even though its been obvious to the world that Israel is engaging in genocide, Netanyahu is more concerned about losing his grip on power than falling out of favour with the US and as such is clearly putting the hard right elements of his crackpot coalition front and centre. Should the government fall, Netanyahu knows his number will be up, with all the fallout of his actions that would be we would hope, soon to follow. So keeping himself in power is all that matters to him and keeping America happy, well, that doesn’t therefore end up being the top priority anymore.
Equally Joe Biden and his administration are in an election year this year and as inconceivable as it might seem to we on the outside of that, Israel is giving Biden a re-election headache and there’s every chance the return of Donald Trump cann’t be ruled out. That moniker of Genocide Joe won’t just follow Biden through his election campaigning, he deserves nothing less than to be stuck with the title for life.
So lets not kid ourselves that the loss of Palestinian lives has any bearing on Biden ending up in a bit of a flap and a bit of a panic now, he’s not given it anything like the focus it should have done, but what will focus his mind, is the problems he has made for himself.
So what to do? How to get things back where he’d like it? How can he get some positive press, start to show that he is listening to concerns now, the voices from college campuses, from demonstrators, from the international world stage, but more importantly how can he do this whilst doing the bare minimum to upset Israel, because that is his ever present focus too.
Well, he’s paused an arms shipment. I know, big deal right? In light of what has been going on in Rafah over the last several weeks, aggression from Israel towards the people trapped there, some 1.6m of them, having ramped up, with Israel now having violated peace accords with Egypt by taking control of the Palestinian side of the Rafah Border Crossing, it is all looking very, very bleak right now, seemingly nothing can stop Netanyahu from doing what he feels he must to keep control on power, no amount of loss of Palestinian innocent life seemingly too many for as long as he gets to remain Prime Minister. He’s delaying the inevitable, given the demonstrations in Tel Aviv and elsewhere in Israel demanding his resignation, re-election seems very far fetched now for him, but who knows what else he might be prepared to do going forwards?
At any rate, with a ceasefire deal agreed with Hamas, it will have come as no surprise to those of us observing and being fully aware of Netanyahu’s motivations, that he would never agree to stick by it himself, not if it meant not going into Rafah, because destroying Hamas is now so intertwined with his grip on power, to do anything less would be unthinkable.
And so Biden, with this having dawned on him and his team, as held up a shipment of 2000lb bombs due to be deployed to Israel citing Rafah as their reason for doing so. With the Rafah Norder Crossing now under Israeli control, no aid is getting in at all. The attacks on Rafah continue and Israel naturally assumed – understandable all things considered as to what we’ve observed since October 7th, that the aid from the US would just carry on, that Biden can gripe and wince and complain, but ultimately he will keep supplying the regime, it is what the US have always done, ever since Israel was created, again making it obvious if it wasn’t before, that Israel is a Western project, that they basically consider too big to fail and that is why in no small part has US public money kept it afloat, to the tuen of hundreds of billions of dollars over the last 75 years that Israel has existed. That has now been officially threatened, albeit a very, very tiny bit. Without US armaments and we’ve always known this, Israel will very quickly run out of munitions, going through them like a dose of salts, with more always on the way, so to halt a delivery? Well that will definitely make Israel look up, but if Biden thought this might make Israel think twice, he really hasn’t got the measure of just how depraved and bats**t the Zionist regime is. Here’s an excerpt detailing matters:
‘On Wednesday, Lloyd Austin, the US defence secretary, confirmed reports that a shipment of 2,000lb bombs had been halted “in the context of unfolding events in Rafah”.
Other weapons packages to Israel were also under review, said Matthew Miller, the state department spokesman.
Mr Biden’s administration hopes its decision to pause the munition shipment will force Israel to reconsider its planned ground invasion of Rafah, in the south of Gaza.
But Israeli officials reacted furiously to the decision, questioning the US’s repeated claim to have an “ironclad” commitment to the country’s security.
Mr Erdan told Israel’s Channel 12 news that Mr Biden “can’t say he is our partner in the goal to destroy Hamas, while on the other hand delay the means meant to destroy Hamas”.
It comes after Mr Biden cautioned Benjamin Netanyahu, the Israeli prime minister, against the Rafah invasion in a phone call on Monday.’
So Israel are b*tching about it, still claiming it is all about Hamas, but with the scale of innocent lives lost and the potentially catastrophic loss of life that would be so much worse if scenes repeated elsewhere in Gaza were meted out in Rafah, this is typical par for the course dishonesty, a measure of how deranged they are, given that instead of listening, they are as usual playing the victim card, and spitting their dummies out.
Equally, and perhaps sadly predictably, if Biden thought this might buy him a bit of good press and support for lets face it, doing as little as possible to hold Israel accountable, in the hope it’ll be enough to give him a bit of an election boost, it’s blown up in his face amongst other politicians in the US too, both on his side and amongst Republicans. Biden is hardly the only pro Israel nutjob in US political discourse, there are plenty of others and they are squealing almost as loudly as Israel are about holding up this shipment, and of course for purely political reasons a lot of these politicians would have been involved in stymying aid packages to Israel, financial ones, over the last several months too.
Now I suppose it is what happens amongst public opinion, voter opinion right now that matters most, the US have a presidential system after all, it isn’t other politicians Biden necessarily has to worry about the most here. In his favour is the fact he’s running against Donald Trump, the worst US President in living memory, but Biden’s actions aren’t exactly raising the bar a great deal, with this mess in Israel and Gaza easily overshadowing anything else he’s ever been involved in and I very much doubt right thinking Americans, those with a soul, a social conscience, anyone who actually puts equal value on all human life, will forgive or forget what Biden has unquestioningly gone along with and despite splits each time this support has come up for debate, far more often than not, these aid packages, whatever they are, get voted through, and lets also not forget that Biden has subverted Congress to get aid through even without votes.
All of a sudden, it seems to have dawned on him that he might have gone too far, all of a sudden his position is under threat. Little wonder a report on Israel’s wartime conduct has now been indefinitely delayed as well, because if that got out and American’s will readily realise they’ve been paying for this, well that’ll definitely be vote losing stuff of that I’m absolutely certain. Let’s shelve that, classify it to death for a while and hopefully every forgets about it. Not happening sunshine.
Biden can hide his reports, make token gestures of holding shipments of armaments, lets face it, he hasn’t stopped the shipment, just held it up, actually changes nothing but delaying the inevitable it seems as things stand, in the vain hope he can mitigate electoral damage for himself. If Genocide Joe is panicking about re-election, then that is because he absolutely deserves to be.

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