MaCavity the Mystery Cat a poem by T.S. Eliot

9 months ago

Sources attributed on Jared Routson YouTube channel. Also Picard is both a pollicle Dog and a Jellicle Cat as Star on X men and for the fact he’s a part of the Holy Roman Empire and was Ebenizer Scrooge that his alter Ego is Moriarty perhaps of Sir Arthur Conondoyal and Picard is a Frenchman who the French are also of the order of the Holy Roman Empire. The Frenchman meets the alter ego Englishman meets the actor Sir Patrick Steward Hamlets king replacement in Shakespeare a Jellicle cat for sure and good friends with Gus the theater Cat also of X man fame a pollicle dog Sir Ean Steward and actor of Mac Beth. Now Doctor Beverly Crusher is DOLEYLANACOPYCAT a unknown poem by a Walmart employee in Winnemucca Nevada. Her name sake WESLEYCRUSHER who is Superman a pro bodybuilder in YouTube and Instagram from the Netherlands Wesley Visers a policle cat.

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