Serenity Dennard - Missing Child

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Please join me as we look into a tragic & unsolved missing child case!

We will deep dive into Serenity’s heartbreaking young life.
Join the chat as we try to understand how this could happen?

The unacceptable disappearance of little Serenity Dennard💜 *Missing*💜 missing from a children’s home in Rockerville South Dakota USA

Big thanks to the ladies in Serenity Dennard's Missing facebook group. Lots of info to find there.

Huge thanks to Lynn Disanto @ LynnSeeks... for her tireless work in gathering information and the interviews from Bio mom & dad and Darcy.

Adoptive Dad Chad Interview:
Adoptive Mom Darcey Interview:
Biological Dad Interview:
Biological Mom Interview :
Bio Mom interview 2:

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