Hillary Clinton Says Trump Will Try To Imprison Political Opponents If Elected

4 months ago

Hillary Clinton was again interviewed on MSNBC to remind everybody that she's still as angry, bitter and self-unaware as ever. But because I like to start on a positive note, let's all get another laugh at this Hall of Fame tweet from October 2016: -- Hillary Clinton @HillaryClinton: “Happy birthday to this future president.” https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CvsiCdkWIAA-N2b?format=jpg&name=small -- That one cleanses my soul every time! Now on to Hillary's interview on MSNBC. Clinton did her best to join the Democrats in their "Biden's wrecking everything he touches but vote for him anyway or women will have no more rights" gaslighting effort: Morning Joe @Morning_Joe: “Hillary Clinton: "There are people who want to turn the clock back on women… They want more control over women— Any woman who has any sense of self respect… and values freedom needs to understand there's only one choice in this election, and that's Joe Biden."”

Hillary Clinton talking about women and self-respect is richer than cheesecake. The woman who managed "bimbo eruptions" to smear her husband's accusers is just trying to look out for women? Please: Campaign narratives written by reporters detailed how she honchoed the campaign team that handled “bimbo eruptions,” digging up personal papers and official records that could be used to undercut the stories told by a series of women. One top aide later recounted Mrs. Clinton’s intent to “destroy” the story of one accuser, while former adviser Dick Morris said Mrs. Clinton engaged in “blackmail” to try to force women to recant their stories. Not unlike "democracy," apparently you have to destroy some women to save them. But wait, there's more! This one's always special: According to Hillary, the presumptive Republican nominee for president who the Democrats are trying to imprison can't be put back in the Oval Office or he'll try to throw the people who are trying to put him in jail in jail.
In other words, Trump needs to be locked up banana republic-style or else he'll turn the country into a banana republic: Hillary Clinton says Trump, who is facing prison time because his political opponents want to lock him up, will lock up his political opponents. Oh, the irony. Clinton, who refused to accept the 2016 election results, said 2024 may be the last election ever. “Maybe he wouldn't jail all of his political opponents. One is one too many. Maybe he wouldn't try to force out business, the members of the press who didn't agree with him. One is one too many.” - “We go down the line, and maybe this would be our last election, because someone who will not accept the validity of an election is someone who doesn't believe in elections.” If there's one person who knows full well what Hillary Clinton is all about, it's Juanita Broaddrick:

Juanita Broaddrick @atensnut: “I’ve had too much history with Crooked Hillary. If her lips are moving, she is lying. This woman is pure evil. So don’t tell her to go to hell, it won’t help. Even the Devil doesn’t want her.” -- Ouch! Harsh, but fair. -- Western Lensman @WesternLensman: “The election interference lawfare campaign to get Trump into an orange jumpsuit before November is failing. Desperation measures sure to ramp up moving forward.” -- When that fails what'll they have planned next? Jen Psaki gave up the game the other day: Hoping Trump dies will be the remaining strategy:

Eric Abbenante @EricAbbenante: “Jen Psaki on Morning Joe: "Maybe Donald Trump will go away. Maybe he'll go to jail. Maybe he will die. Not to be too morbid. But maybe. He's not a young man." Instead of focusing on how to make the country better, Democrats fantasize about Trump in prison or dying. They hate Trump more than they love America.” https://rumble.com/v4tryr5-she-really-went-there-jen-psaki-lets-the-mask-slip-on-morning-joe-talking-a.html -- Yes indeed, these are the same people who want everybody to believe the "threats to democracy" are on the other side. Projection is all they have left.

Washington Times: Hillary Clinton haunted by efforts to ‘destroy’ Bill Clinton accusers
Twitchy: She Really Went THERE?! Jen Psaki Let's the Mask SLIP on Morning Joe Talking About Trump's DEATH
Rumble: Hillary Clinton Warns Trump Would Be Bad For Women

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