9 months ago

Our nature is to serve ourselves, love ourselves above all else, and then rationalize that nature in an attempt to justify it. This inherent behavior is at the root of every hostile action we’ve taken against one another. It is the sole cause of every war, every perpetrated atrocity from rape to genocide, and every dictatorship on every continent throughout the history of mankind. We love ourselves more than we love freedom, we love ourselves more than we love the truth, we love ourselves more than we love justice, and, reprehensibly so, we love ourselves more than we love God. Because we love ourselves so much we toil day in and day out trying to figure out how to make everyone who isn’t us love us the way we love ourselves, (forsaking all else). To accomplish this we utilize violence, blackmail, bribery and fear. Every system from religion to governmental bodies are ultimately highjacked and twisted into systems of control. For examples look no further than the year 2020. From local leadership to federal leadership all the way down to your neighbor, every single one demanded compliance without practical reason. And if you didn’t comply you were punished in all the ways I’ve listed above. Bribery was also used in the form of gifts and lotteries. These aren’t the actions of a free nation. These are the actions of a totalitarian nation prioritizing compliance over liberty. The Bible says to love our neighbor as we love ourselves because God knows that only in service to one another can we deny our broken nature and experience true happiness.

ON PODCAST: https://open.spotify.com/episode/1LBbQ1SmNeBpm9PkaWb3Aa

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