8 months ago

Is the song by Chris Cornell called Black Hole Sun a cryptic prophecy eluding to a future eclipse? Do the cryptic lyrics of the song predict a magnetic pole reversal that will usher in universal peace and harmony and the birth of a new civilization? You don’t want to miss today’s broadcast where I will be rolling in a clip sharing a reading I did on the song and it’s lyrics that share a unique message about the Black Hole Sun!

The song is a cryptic prayer and prophecy regarding the end of an age old battle between the forces of dark and the forces of light symbolized by the Sun in Eclipse. In his lyrics, black hole song won’t you come, Chris Cornell is making a plea to the universe to expedite the arrival of this long awaited Solar Eclipse. The battle being referred to is not only a celestial event between light and dark forces but also has its physical manifestation in the earth plane that materializes as a never ending confilct between good and evil. This final eclipse, the one long awaited and predicted will be the sign of the end of this conflict and the beginning of peace on earth. The generation that witnesses this final eclipse will experience mass consciousness and a great awakening that will bring in the new age of light and peace on earth. This is the prophecy.

Black Hole Sun by Chris Cornell:

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