Top 10 Books to Learn Java in 2024 | Best Java Books For Beginner and Advanced | SoftwareTechIT

9 months ago

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“Top 10 books to learn Java in 2024” shares a list of best books of all time to learn Java. These books are preferred widely by the noobs as well as the seasoned Java Programmers. Below is the list of Top 10 Books we will be discussing in this session:

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Best Java Books for Beginners:
1. Head First Java :

2. Java: A Beginner’s Guide :

3. Java for Dummies :

4. Effective Java :

5. Head First Design Patterns :

Best Java Books for Experienced Developers
6. Spring in Action :

7. Clean Code :

8. Test Driven: TDD and Acceptance TDD for Java Developers :

9. Test-Driven Java Development:

10. Thinking in Java :

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Learn This In This Books:
1. Develop the code with various Java data types, conditions, and loops.
2. Implement arrays, functions and string handling techniques.
3. Understand object-oriented programming through Java using Classes, Objects and various Java concepts like Abstract, Final etc.
4. Implement multi-threading and exception handling.
5. Use parse XML files using DOM and SAX in Java.
6. Write a code in JDBC to communicate with the Database.
7. Develop web applications and JSP pages.
8. Interact with the database using hibernate framework.
9. Write code with spring framework components like Dependency Injection and Auto Wiring.
10. Implement SOA using web services. #softwaretechit #2024 #tech #stit

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