Joe Q Rogan 17

10 months ago

17 = Q = Military Intelligence Earth Alliance — a Global Sting Operation to rid the world from a very old & evil criminal occult rulers. Q Clearance is the HIGHEST SECURITY CLEARANCE in the U.S. Q Group is also the highest security clearance in NSA & military.

The Q Objective unleashed a global mass information dissemination program to expose & eliminate the global cabal’s corruption, it’s minions & their Crimes Against Humanity — to awaken the People to research past the disinformation from the global mockingbird media & to return the United States Republic & all other nations back to Constitutional Law.

The global DS knows that Q is spawned from the highest military intelligence. This why the mockingbird media can only mock ‘Qanon’ — in shows, video clips, news stories to discredit it — but without any ‘REAL’ actions to stop it, because they can’t. Mocking is the only weapon they had against it. Who is doing the mocking now?


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