"I purchased gold a year ago, and it's increased 23%," Judge Napolitano says #gold @judgingfreedom

10 months ago

"I'm a (Lear Capital) customer. A very satisfied customer," says Judge Andrew Napolitano. "About a year ago I purchased gold, and it has increased about 23%*."

âž¡ Call 800-511-4620 or visit HTTP://www.LearJudgeNap.com
to get your Free Gold Report and see how many bonus coins you qualify for.

âž¡ LEAR CAPITAL is the precious metals leader with more than $3 billion in transactions, 95,000 customers, and thousands of 5-star reviews over the past 26 years.

*Judge Napolitano is a Lear Customer and Paid Spokesman. The 23% increase does not include Lear's spread.

DISCLAIMER: Lear Capital is not a financial planner/advisor or retirement specialist, and does not provide investment, legal or tax advice. Consult a certified financial planner regarding individual investments/retirement goals. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Free gold and silver offer subject to terms and conditions, including minimum purchase. Lear Capital does not guarantee the re-purchase of your metals. Robert Kiyosaki is not a paid spokesperson. The views expressed are merely an opinion.

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