10 months ago

In order to know where you are going, you must first know where you have already been, if you are trying not to go to the same places as you have already gone to, and learned that they were not such a great place to be.

If you want to avoid relapse in your addiction, no matter what the addiction may have been, you will need to change the people, places and things that you have been surrounding yourself with in your environment. You will need to make a choice of what those people places and things have been doing for you in their own actions and behaviors that you have picked up and mimicking, and perhaps without you even realizing that you were mimicking them, hence the subconscious that is autopilot in the human brain, and the conscience is indeed only 10 percent of the way that the human brain is aware each day.

Unless and until the human beings learn about this important understanding that they have literally never been taught through their public colloquial education systems or more technical known as the Prussian Model, then they will never be able to understand why or how they need to change their 10 percent of conscious through out each day, into a more conscious effort and re program that 90 percent subconscious autopilot into a new environment of people, places and things that they surround themselves with.

By actions and behaviors that facilitate this process, the whole point of actions speaking Louder than words, is to understand that it does not matter what words you say or use to describe anything, if you don't pay attention to the fact of the actions and behaviors that facilitate the movement or evolution of your own direction, then what makes you think that anything you are going to say change the outcome of the very direction that you are going in or the other people, places and things inside of and around it that you are trying to avoid?

Hence why those two simple things are not spoken about in any reasonable or public relations or ways by any means whatsoever in the political and government or state arena.

This is not by mistake, it is Categorically impossible for them to not be aware or have any understanding of these things.

And if you believe that they don't know anything about this, then you are complete failure and a willfully blind slave.


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