Gutfeld!'s 'Poo Detective' DID JOE BIDEN CRAP HIS PANTS?

9 months ago

TOWNHALL 5/6/24: Why Everyone Thinks Biden Had an Accident in Front of the Press Corps

I was willing to let this slide, but everyone and their mother seems to be commenting on Joe Biden’s awkward pause before the White House press corps at the White House. Just let the record show that this is a fun post, and all of you can comment as you please below, but the pause—just watch how he stops. Many think that the president might have had an accident (video).

Joe is also old, and when they stop, the elderly can look awkward. Who the hell knows, but it led to many posts on social media about what this stance represents. It’s not a significant story, but it does add the narrative that the man is too frail and mentally degraded to be president. It’s why his team is moving to shorten his speeches to reduce the chances that he’ll meltdown in front of the cameras, which, knowing Joe, is bound to happen multiple times, especially when the campaign season begins to pick up steam.

The Biden spin is that they’re enhancing quality over quantity, but the American people aren’t stupid, and no one has bought what this administration has been shoveling for months. Most voters say Biden is too old to be president and doesn’t deserve a second term. Almost half the country, around 40 percent, say they’re poorer than they were four years ago. On every major issue, except abortion, Donald Trump is picking up steam. Biden is losing support among young voters, Hispanics, and blacks. It wouldn’t shock me if a healthy amount of union families voted for Trump; the United Auto Workers’ front office admitted as much. Moreover, Biden is facing a Muslim voter rebellion in the Rust Belt over the war in Gaza.


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