Scaling Agile | WHAT IS SCALING AGILE? | SAFe Introduction | What is scaled agile?

10 months ago

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This short video will provide an answer for the questions - What is Scaling Agile? What are all the scaling agile frameworks available in the industry? What are the challenges in Scaling Agile, etc

Here is the agenda of this video:
1. Agile at Team Level
2. Agile at Enterprise level?
3. Challenges in scaling agile
4. Frameworks available in the market to support Scaling agile


Agile methodology, Scrum, Scaled Agile framework (SAFe), Agile project management, Software Development practices, Various Roles and responsibilities in agile projects, Agile and Scrum Certifications, Project Management best practices, Product management, Agile testing, DevOps process & Tools, SDLC process & tools, Soft skills, Team management and latest technologies will be covered in the future videos.

Agile Job Interview tips, Question & Answers will be posted in this channel.
Please submit your feedback and questions in the comments section.

Thank you!
Jogo Agile Coaching

Scaling Agile | WHAT IS SCALING AGILE? | Scaled Agile Introduction | What is scaled agile?
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