Add Realistic Steam on a Moving Cup - DaVinci Resolve Fusion

10 months ago

Today we will take a look at another way we can add dynamic steam to a coffee cup that is moving in our scene, using only the tools inside of DaVinci Resolve Fusion. This tutorial is by request, a couple of people had asked for a solution without the 3d object solve for the tracking. We will be using the 2D tracker inside of Resolve Fusion to track the cup. Although this will not give us the entire movement, It will give us the general movement and then we will look into ways we can adjust it to make the track useful. Next we will set up a fast noise with a mask that follows the cup to be used as an emitter for the steam. After that we look at setting up our emitter and all of the settings to make realistic looking steam. And finally we will use a roto shape(mask) to cut off the steam when it goes in front of the cup for a more realistic composite.

Originally this was done with a 3D tracking solution which you can view here, the original video also has a little bit more detail:

As always if you have any problems or issues fell free to reach out in the comments and I will do my best to reply as soon as I can.

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00:00 - Intro
00:49 - Add Tracker
02:00 - Roto for the emitter
03:16 - Adjusting mask
03:35 - Adjust Fast Noise
04:12 - Adding the emitter for the steam
04:54 - Adjusting the emitter
07:06 - Adding in some turbulence
10:11 - Add mask for the coffee cup

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