Full Bar DIY Plans: PDF, CAD & Sketchup 2024

9 months ago

A Step-by-Step Guide to Building your own Luxurious DIY Bar. Designed in SketchUp 2024.

Links for downloads:
Packet download with 5 CAD & PDF files: 3 house plans, water curtain plan, bar plan, solar plan, courses on how to do-it, free eBook Fix It & Build It Like A pro. Greatest deal ever: https://www.etsy.com/shop/JVDESIGNS50?ref=dashboard-header
Water Curtain Plans: https://www.etsy.com/shop/JVDESIGNS50?ref=dashboard-header
Bar plans: https://www.etsy.com/listing/1716596938/diy-build-your-own-beautiful-luxurious?ref=listing_published_alert

Hi and welcome to our DIY project today! Are you tired of the same old, boring bar setup? Well, you're in luck because we're about to take you through a step-by-step guide on how to build a stunning, luxurious bar that will be the envy of all your friends.

First things first, let's design and sketch out the bar we want to build. This is the fun part, where you get to bring your ideas to life. Take your time and get creative!

Next, we'll design the counter and cabinets at the back, using a combination of bricks, glass shelves, tiles, cement cladding, veneer wood, and Formica counter tops. Mark out your build lines and start building the walls of the cabinets on the back wall.

Now it's time to tile the cabinet walls and install the cabinet bases and shelves. Don't forget to use those 10mm square chrome tile strips at the corners for a luxurious, expensive look.

Next, build the walls of the bar, tile them, and install the counter tops. Don't forget to clad the bar walls with cement and texture and paint them for a sleek finish.

Install the cabinet doors and tops, followed by the mirrors above the cabinet tops and the glass shelves. Then, build the canopy of the cabinets with an overhang for the LED strip light.

If you desire, clad the open walls with wood strips for a warm and luxurious feel. Install three LED light strips—two for the canopy and one under the front bar counter. Don't forget the two downlights in the canopy.

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