Ex-Satanist Roger Morneau – SATAN’S PLANS! – Excellent Talk – MUST SEE!!!

9 months ago

This is the full interview with Roger Morneau. Very interesting information.

So how would you like to talk to the Spirit of Dead People? This is how it all began. He then became demon worshiper.

Roger Morneau is a Canadian and he describes his experiences and a few others of speaking with Dead people.

Example from Roger: “It was a like a big gust of wind hit the building, like wind was coming through the wall and a lady appeared through the wall and it was a lady in a night gown.”

He said “contact with the supernatural become natural.”

Roger was involved in a secret society of spirit worshipers.

The supposed spirits that they talk to are Demon Spirits – “fallen angels.” The “MASTER” as they all call him, is SATAN.

They worship Lucifer and all his Angels and they are just as beautiful as they were before they were cast out of heaven. Satan desires worship as God.

Roger was told that there was a “misunderstanding” in heaven and that God did not fair with him like he does with people that make mistakes today.

“We are in warfare, it is good vs evil and we are the evil ones, but we are not that bad.”

It is just like in the book The Book – The Great Controversy by Ellen White is a good book to read – download here https://prva-zapovest-ili-trojstvo.com/download/The%20Great%20Controversy%201858%20-%20Ellen%20White.pdf

Roger says he was told that Earth is Rightfully Satan’s. Satan teaches that he will rule the world at the end.

The Master – “Satan” will resurrect his people from the grave.

Roger Morneau says that a lot of Doctors and high “respected” people are members of this secret society and doctors say the spirit demons help them do miraculous surgeries.

Roger says that the Art he saw were from the Fallen Angels showing themselves and artists would paint them exactly as they saw them. He said they were beautiful.

The High Priest told them “The Master” has “Special Plans” for you all.

Satan uses FEAR to keep his subjects under his submission to his will.

Roger says that once you are in this secret group that the Spirits will monitor you if you try to defect and will curse you.

At the meetings there were a lot of success stories. Demons will benefit those who worship them and submit to their will. Most of their stories have to do with how the “Master” helped them with their business dealings or how the master helped them make a fortune of money.

A lot of “investors” are in this secret group and they get their information from demon world, and they advice non-members with the blessing of the demons knowledge.

The High Priest informed Roger that it is time for him to “Trust” the spirits. Roger said that he played the Horses and he would like spirit to instruct him of the Numbers of the Horses that are going Win.

The priest said “it will be given to you.”

So Roger said one night he fell into a trance, he didn’t know if it was a dream or what but he was showed some winners and one of the horses was a long shot and the race was to be on Saturday and he won. Just as he had saw it.

One of the “Bookies” questioned Roger and said “you don’t look too smart, how is that you are picking all these long shots and winning, we have been watching you for weeks now, nobody gets that lucky, where are you getting your information from?”

Roger was told to never come back but was given a list of other bookies he could go to.

Roger learned of a Great Controversy that was going on between Christ and Satan.

Satan says that the Wicked will not be destroyed by the fire in the End. Christ will realize this planet is his and will leave and take a few people with him to his planet in the center of the galaxy and we will be left here with a master who will resurrect all his people and the master will rule forever and ever.

The priest began pressuring Roger to commit to them. So the priest said I am going to show you what the spirit can do for you if you serve him.

Roger said he was taken to a room in which he hear clicking and when he was taken in the room there were a great number of Typewriters just sitting there typing all by themselves.

The typewriters were typing to the left but not going back, they were also typing back to the left. The spirits were doing the work.

Roger was introduced to a lawyer who a was a faithful member. It was him who owned this building and the demon spirits were doing his work writing legal material for him and was making him a fortune of wealth back in the day.

The high priest was just demonstrating to Roger of the kinds of blessing he would receive if he committed and was faithful to the master.

The Great Masters - Satan’s 3 Step Plan:

1. Remove the Belief in Satan and his Fallen Angels.
2. Discredit Christians and supplant all the churches with the Satan-worshiping day of Sunday as the official day of worship.
3. Impress people with Spiritual Powers to make people believe the spirit workers and the voices and to perform miracles that even Christians would be convinced are wonderful.

Satan = The Great Deceiver = The Great Architect = The Great Master = Lucifer

The plan appears to be working. How many people today actually believe in Satan?

Now going a step further in which Roger doesn’t mention this, but the Alien Races – Anunnaki and Draconians have all the technologies to make this appear real. So whether aliens are the demons or if demons are the aliens – they are one in the same with the same agenda. Just keep that in mind in the future as I will be uploading more videos that may become confusing if you don’t grasp this concept.

The Agenda is one in the same and the people behind Agenda 21 and the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals are a MAJOR part of all the Grand Masters Plan.

Christian Idolatry – The Super Deception of a Glorious New Age – Satan’s Great General Council of the 1700’s. (This was in 1946 when Roger was told this.)

Satan and all his councilors held a Great General Council in the 1700’s with ONE Purpose in mind. It was to prepare for the Great Industrial Age that was soon to break on the world and then after that a New Age was coming in which tremendous scientific discoveries would be made by people and this would usher in the End Times.

Elon Musk is said to be born to do this role from previous videos. His family were Technocrats.

This will also close the controversy between the forces of good and evil.

The Satanic Priest said that Lucifer had been studying the Bible and from Daniel 12:4 he thought that the end times was nearing so he changed his operations.

Satan and his angles devise ways in which people will disqualify themselves from being members of Christs Kingdom.

There were 3 Major Policies that were going to be Followed:

1. To deceive people about the true Existence of Satan and his Angels. Up until this time you could go to a Soothsayer on the street corner and place a curse on an enemy. Lucifer said that people must not believe that sin and Lucifer do not really exist. There IS a real tangible devil.

2. To find a way to get total control of people’s minds. To have total control over people’s minds through Hypnotism. This would be accomplished by taking hypnotism out of the occult and introducing it as new science for the benefit of mankind.

Once you get people to believe it is for the BEST of mankind they could get just about anyone to work for them, educators, medical practitioners, anyone with capacity and this would be a way of De-Christianizing the Western World.

Satan plans to De-Christianize the western world through the avenue of Mysticism. Franz Mesmer, who was an Austrian – German Physician was chosen by Satan himself to bring hypnotism to the forefront of world renown.

Mesmer created a theory called Animal Magnetism, which was later on named “Mesmerism.” Mesmer was led the spirits to believe certain persons have a Magnetic Influence within themselves that can be used on the masses. These types would have such great power over the masses that they could place them in a hypnotized trance and they would believe every word they said. It’s like a Charismatic Spell in which Trump came from the Druid Bloodlines who mastered these charismatic spells.

Mesmerized = Hypnotized.

3. Darwin and Thomas Huxley would be used by the dark spirits to promote the Theory of Evolution which would help to lead people away from God.

The Master (Satan) has placed his Authority and Power on Sunday. The Sabbath Day is Saturday. Satan has chosen Sunday as his day, Satan’s Day is 1st day of the week.

Demon Spirits are going to impress people with the importance of Sunday Sacredness.

God’s day is the 7th day of the week.

Satan talks specifically about Adventists.

Satan has deceived the whole world. They say he is so smart. The grand architect. The great deceiver. The “Great Master.”

The evil spirits cannot deceive the 7th Day Adventists because they worship God on his day, the 7th day, Sabbath Day.

The Book – The Great Controversy by Ellen White is a good book to read – download here https://prva-zapovest-ili-trojstvo.com/download/The%20Great%20Controversy%201858%20-%20Ellen%20White.pdf

or a longer version on Forgotten Books.com

Roger Morneau says they will convince religious leaders that a 1,000 years of peace will come, then laws will be passed by governments that will force people to honor Sunday.

Trump is promoting “Project 25” which is Christian Nationalism. Trump admits he doesn’t know much about Christianity but he is promoting this. It is a just a plan that will allow the Satan and his allies to keep deceiving the masses and fall into their charismatic spells.

They will sell this a point to “RID ALL EVIL.”

Honoring Sunday gives homage to Satan as Sun Worship did in ages past. By the observance of the day by which the Master, Satan, has place his authority and power, he receives homage, regardless of who people think they are worshipping.

This is why I say that project 25 is an Evil Plan.

Satan has chosen Sunday as his day.

God has chosen the 7th day of the week – Saturday.

By worshiping on the 1st day, Sunday they are bringing Homage and Respect to Satan.

The Adventists cannot be brought under the Great Deception.

This was the one group that the High Satanic Priest said that they could not deceive.

Roger then found Jesus and became a 7th Day Adventist.

The Spirits watch over everyone. As Roger was studying the Bible a spirit demon communicated this to the high priest that he was a defector and was studying the bible with the 7th Day Aventists.

Satan hates these people the most.

One of the Deceptions of the last days in the “New Age” – A Super Deception of a Glorious New Age.

The Grand Plan for Harvesting the multitude of the Earth into his culls just before the Great Controversy vs Good and Evil, it is going to be done in a unique matter, spirits will declare themselves to be on planets / inhabitants from far distant galaxies. People will claim to have out of body experiences and the demon spirits will use mediums / channelers.

Demon Spirits will portray themselves as giving Valuable Guidance in avoiding the destruction of the planet and cause it to enter into a Higher State of Existence.

Demon Spirits will promise a Glorious New Age of Peace and Prosperity will come to last for 1,000 years. No more wars, no more famines, neighbors will love their neighbors, social unrest will be no more, there will be perfect happiness for 1,000 years.

Preachers will preach this, about victory over wars and famines and the coming 1,000 years of peace.

As life becomes more and more difficult and calamities will strike the planet more frequently, the demon spirits are going to spend all of their time trying to impress religious leaders with the Sacredness of Sunday.

Once again, back to Project 25. Be aware of this push that will be coming and pay attention who promotes it – DJT.

It was decided that Satan would PERSONALLY Tutor Charles Darwin. It was Satan who set up the Principles of Darwin’s Theories of Evolution. He was tutored by Lucifer himself.
Satan said that if a person was led to believe in the Theory of Evolution it would destroy the truth of the Bible.
According to the demonic spirits – “anyone teaching the Theory of Evolution is considered to be a minister of that great religious system.”

I don’t think people understand that this group is super powerful so to think that one man – “Trump” is having this “White Hat” operation is just beyond ridiculous.

They control our Military as well and just about every other military in the world. Now it is all an ACT to get the people to Volunteer to their AGENDA and get them to unknowingly participate in their culling of what they call “useless eaters.”

No one politician is going to get us out of this and definitely not a Billionaire who has been on their side since he was born and he is in the Bloodline. Trump says “I used to be one of them” – please don’t buy that bullsh*t, he IS one of them and ALWAYS will be.

YES, he did good things the first 3 years, that IS how they operate to keep the grand deceptive illusion thriving as people will fall that is he for the people. NO, no, no – not even close, he is one of them. Learn how they operate people.

Even though he did 3 good years that one year when he was Commander in Chief and responsible for ALL the Covid Vaccine Rollouts as well as the 5G, as well as EO for giving FEMA power, as well as EO for allowing new, novel mRNA vaccines – that pretty much destroys everything good he did and then some because the Covid shots are the gift that keeps on giving for a lifetime.

Then he calls himself “Father of the Vaccines.”

We are in a Spiritual Battle with Satan and YES Satan is f*cking REAL people. This is what is going on. So to even think that a politician is chosen by God is ridiculous.

Who looked toward the sun and said “I am the Chosen one.” Trump did.

Who has PAGAN Paintings in his Penthouse? Trump does.
Who daughters are Jews? Trump’s are

Who’s Pastor is a Satanic 33rd Degree Freemason? Peale – Trump’s pastor.

Who’s Daughter is a Global Young Leader? Ivanka, Trump’s daughter. For anyone knowing the significance of this, that says it all.

Who’s Cabinet was filled with over 90% Jews? Trump’s was.

What is the population of Jews in America? LESS than 2%. So why did Trump choose 90% to be on his team??

Who did Trump invite to the White House? Jews.

What do the Jews say about Trump? He is the Jewish Messiah. They LOVE him.

I mean we all will see because they will put Trump back in for a second term, if not in 2024, then in 2028, I heard both were options years ago, but since more people are waking up I believe they will put him in this year.

Trump is the snake people.

So how do we get out of this? It is VERY Easy and it is NEVER too late.

This is how we get out of this: We first have to realize that we are in a spiritual war. So how do we win spiritual wars with Satan and his fallen angels?

With Consciousness and Prayer.

It really is that simple. WE have that Power and we are so incredibly powerful. It is just going to take some more waking up to realize this.

Yes, it may take decades but I believe we are waking up and when it clicks and you see the big picture and how the grand architect – the master – they call Satan operates and formulates his plans in a compartmentalized way, so everything looks so real – that is when we truly wake up.

God is MUCH more powerful than Satan and we all have a piece of God within us.

How do the High Satanic Priests and Witch Doctors defeat something they perceive as powerful? They summon each other and they work as ONE. That is how they do it and this is something that must be learned. We must know how our enemy operates because it is the path to helping us wake up to how we beat them.

We can do the very same. When we act as one, it is freaking OVER for them. I’m very serious about this and I know this is how it works.

I will slowly keep trying to wake people up one dot and one piece of the scattered puzzle at a time. Satan loves to scatter pieces and separate the dots so we cannot every put them together to see how the world is being run and to see the grand plan.

But there are people waking up. They monitor this and when enough wake up they will likely fight back with their psyops and attacks on our electric grid and our financial fiat fraud system and move us into the ultimate fraud system, the Central Bank Digital Currency beast system.

The War is on – the faster we become conscious as to this is a Spiritual War and how Consciousness and Prayer will make Satan run like the little b*tch he is to find somewhere dark to hide.

Once we shed our COLLECTIVE God LIGHT – they will run like dirty little rats to get out of the light.

SOURCE: Richard Bruce -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t_akZuRYRko&t=223s


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END. 5/17/2024 – 3:00 PM

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