Without an air fryer and the hassle of dough, a great appetizer in 5 minutes!

4 months ago

Without an air fryer and the hassle of dough, a great appetizer with ham and cheese in just 5 minutes! Simply roll out some sandwich bread and you'll have an excellent base for any filling. A quick and easy snack, and most importantly, very tasty. The internet is full of recipes for air fryers, they are bright and interesting, but I'll show you how to achieve the same recipes without frying in the oven

sandwich bread
mozzarella cheese - 100g
ham - 100g
egg - 1
milk - 10ml
butter - 10g

Bake in a preheated oven at 180°C (355°F) for 20 minutes

Time code:
00:20 Recipe for ham and cheese rolls
04:08 Recipe for milk and egg batter
05:51 Baking the ham and cheese rolls

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