Catherine Austin Fitts - Some Truths About Ukraine

9 months ago

It is wise for people to realise that the Ukraine was once a land that made up much of Khazaria. The Khazarians came from Asis, they were kicked out by Genghis Khan for their perverted depravity, and blood rituals. The Khazarians eventually adopted judaism and using the teachings of the Pharisees (those who killed Jesus) by way of the Talmud they continued to cause problems. In 1917 the Bolsheviks were by far (95%) consisted of Khazarian FALSE Jews, and political zionism started to take shape. The satanic khazars have always hated Russia because Russia is a Christian stronghold. The USA has already folded and largely turned it's back on God and Jesus due to ideological subversion carried out by the zionist neocons in DC. This strategy was also being done in the other five-eye countries...Canada, UK< Australia, and New Zealand; this is why their intelligence agencies and police were weaponised against white Christians. The Vatican, run by the satanic Jesuits has always had the objective of destroying Christianity, think ... Sinead O'Connot ripping up a photo of the pope, research the red-shoe club. Ukraine was awash with Nazis, pushed their in numbers in 2014 when the US deep-state coup of 2014 overthrew the government. The 46+ US deep-state bioweapon labs in Ukraine were working on gain of function to target Russian and slav bloodlines. It was the zionist-Nazis (Ashkenazim) who persecuted real hebrew jews in WW2, and an embellished fabrication of the holocaust to gain world sympathy for the creation of Israel as per the 1917 (same year as the Bolsheviks) Balfour Declaration; a Rothschild plan for the creation of the New World Order. Depopulating real Jews assisted the infiltration of zionist-nazis into Israel in 1948 where the zionists started to indoctrinate young Israelis with the Talmud and Rabbinic Judaism...radicalised Judaism. Israel and Ukraine were zionist-nazi strongholds, so the depopulation of real Ukrainian men was the same sick psychopathic pattern as what happened in the creation of Israel.....the cabal are's game over for the zionist-nazis.

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