9 months ago



This video was put together to bring awareness to the Flat & Round earth debate in a way that (hopefully) makes the viewer aware that one can spend a lot of time diving into the flat earth rabbit hole. The earth shape debate I think has taken many away from the vital issues we all should be addressing, like stopping the takeover of our reality-world by NWO 'globalists'. (no disrespect intended to anyone)
This entertaining video is deliberately contradicting, almost to the point of absurdity whilst purposely proving nothing. Or does it? Does it need to? You decide... Enjoy the "COSMIC AURA"

THE DEEPER MEANING : is that God is within if you get my drift. Not sayin' you or I are god but the spiritual connection to the Creator is within us all & begins within us. With this in mind, our relationship with God bares no relevance to the shape of the place we exist on, because we are created beings experiencing a temporary existence governed by (time & entropy) in a 3 dimensional simulation-matrix. (The Earth Program) Call it boot camp training under live fire conditions with every single one of us having our toes dangling over the edge of eternity. The Big Test to see whether we will of our own free will do good or do no good.

Jesus Christ is the simulation (The Earth Program) every pixel in this 3d micro & macro reality is governed by the supreme authority of Christ (the alpha & the omega) the beginning & the end. The ultimate judgement & knowledge of everything. He manifested himself into the program as a man to defeat Satan & pave a way us to get to the next dimensions (heavens)

Satan (Lucifer) is time (commonly referred to as the 4th dimension) which is directly connected to the 2nd law of thermodynamics (entropy-death) everything is breaking down over time. God is using Satan-time-entropy-death to accomplish a work to see if each & every one of us are worthy enough to have eternal life in a multi dimensional existence.

(Time is not the 4th dimension), the absence of time is the 4th dimension (eternity) The absence-defeat of Satan-entropy-death-time is the gate way to eternal life with God himself having authority over all the other dimensions (how ever many there may be?) The shape of the earth is irrelevant because it is just part of a simulation of the many dimensions awaiting us if we choose to follow God.

The psychopaths enslaving this world are creating their own matrix. This is their way of defeating God & achieving immortality (They have really created hell) or the bottomless pit referred to in revelation. Are the toxic shots linking those who took them to their fake god (the antichrist) who will lead them into the bottomless pit (the simulation within the simulation) the abomination of desolation?

We as humans have to be careful not to be distracted with issues like the shape of the ground, as they just divide us & prevent us from connecting to God & to the far greater reality awaiting us outside (The Earth Program) The ultimate point of this video is to illustrate the absurdity of the earth shape debate & wake people up to the real issues concerning us today, that is the spiritual war we are all apart of. Arguing over the shape of the earth when we are in a war for the mind is like trying to catch the wind whilst in the middle of a hurricane.

God Bless

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