Masonic 33rd Degree Lecture on Energy Manipulation (MIND BLOWING) – Manly P. Hall

9 months ago

**Important to know this as I strongly believe this is how they are creating these Pandemics.
The Questions we should all be asking after watching this are:
1. Are they using this knowledge in nefarious ways?
2. How could this be related to Covid?
3. To Coronavirus?
If you are familiar with Sabrina Wallace and Hope & Tivon and you watch this video of Manly P. hall, you will be able to answer the above 3 questions.
Manly P. Hall was recognized as 33rd Mason on December 8, 1943, 47 years after writing “The Secret Teachings of all Ages.”
The beginning of the study of magnetism goes back to Egypt and Greece. It was used in healing. It was well known to Pythagoras, who gave us considerable information on the subject which was forgotten by everyone else.
The Arabs knew about it.
The Chinese were aware of it because of the Meredith’s Compass.
It was “reborn” in the 17th century with the rise of Rosicrucianism. The Alchemists, the Rosicrucians and the Hermitists all were unfolding phases of magnetic theory.
The mysterious instrument of Mesmer’s Magnetic Tub. People sat in it and they held hands and they made a human battery out of the water.
The magnetic theory is based off a very simple fact that namely what we call empty air. It is not empty at all.
Air is not just helium, nitrogen, hydrogen, oxygen, air is a substance of itself. It is a tremendous field of magnetic energy. The Atmosphere carries the magnetism of the sun.
All of the planets are a field of magnetic energy. This energy comes to us through what we call air.
Each Human Body is Surrounded by what we call an Etheric Field. It is sometimes referred to as an aura but it is not the aura we think of in metaphysics.
This ether filed is an area of energy that forms an egg-like atmospheric sheath around the physical body, usually extending 3 to 5 feet from it in each direction.
This energy field is the basis of virtue.
It moves emotion, thought, and the attitudes of the person.

This magnetic field around the body provides a great amount of protection. This is the secret. Hint: Biofield as Sabrina Wallace and Hope & Tivon talk about.

If the person is living by the laws of the universe the magnetic field provides extreme protection.

It can handle all kinds of infections, it will help to heal wounds, it will help the organs recover from ailments, if we are deprived of something, this energy field – Biofield – Aura – Magnetic Energy will try to compensate for it.

As long as the individual takes proper care of his magnetic field, it will serve him.
This is something that is so overlooked and it should be the MAIN Focus of Maintaining Health and Preventing Disease.
The health of an individual depends on maintaining the integrity of this flow of energy into the magnetic field.
This energy comes from the sun, it comes through a mysterious energy tube through the magnetic field.
It enters the individual through the Crown of the Head. It disseminates through the entire body and its excreted back again through the lowest centers of the body and is recleansed by the solar energy.
Covid is said to be a disease that is transmitted or infected through raido waves or emf.
Guess what Corona means?
Corona means Crown.
They are interfering with our Biofield, our Auro, our Human Magnetic Field and disrupting the natural, healthy flow of energy entering the body and replacing it with their Negative fields that cause Disease.
Remember that cruise ship that was one of the first that used 5G and all the people mysteriously were diagnosed with “Coronavirus”?
Remember the 5G Rollout WORLDWIDE that correlated with Coronavirus?
Remember Trump rolling this out?
Remember the reason he gave?
He said we have to beat China. He made it appear as a competition, so during the Lockdown, while we were all glued to the Fear Tube of Propaganda, Trump had the minions working all around the USA putting up 5G towers while everyone else was locked in their homes.
That 5G must have been VERY Important. Did we beat China.
That was such a blatant lie.
Also – Trump and his long time buddy, his Florida neighbor Bill Gates would not allow 5 G near them, but it was sure alright for all of us.
Bill Gates, the guy that started GAVI – The Vaccine Alliance, was the lucky recipient of the funds that Trump took away from the WHO and gave to Bill and Melinda Gates – GAVI.
Who Funds 88% of the WHO?
Bill & Melinda Gates.
Are you seeing how the game is played?
And it is right before your eyes and has ALWAYS been.
All of this is part of Agenda 21.
Vaccines act as a route to place their materials in our body so they can be remotely controlled by frequencies.
If they can penetrate the magnetic field or the biofield of the human body they can penetrate the human defense system that protects us.
Crystals in stones are formed by magnetism and the vibration.

Nutrition is really the study of Magnetic Fields – the frequency of the various products we call Food.

GMO changes the Magnetism of the organisms. It is not Natural. Thus is a negative. When eaten it will WEAKEN the magnetic energy field around the human body.

To avoid conflict an individual must not abuse his body or mind – must not think negatively, must not develop attitudes which are incompatible with the integrities which nature has bestowed.

The magnetic fields are absolutely honest. There is no way of making them dishonest. The only thing we can do to them is destroy or limit the manifestation of their integrity.
They want to kill everyone slowly and make it appear as disease and pandemics do it. But it is through the jab materials which include graphenes and live viruses and other nano building blocks that are used to achieve their agenda and make everyone believe their incredible agenda.
They seriously believe the population is retarded and we have been under their spells for a very, very long time, but it’s now time we awaken.
To the sleepers this may sound out of this world and crazy. You can keep sleeping or you can do your own DD and find out just how dumb they take you for.
The Matrix is the big illusion we have believed in and boughten into. It is a web of very, very sophisticated lies in which they control the Vatican, the Military, the Government, the CIA, FDA, NIH, NASA, NSA, DoD, CDC, the entire Banking & Finance System – through the aid of the Grand Architect – Satan through the BEAST System.
But they have US convinced that this BEAST System is working for the best interest of us. It is always for the “BEST” of mankind.
The Beast System is a totally INVERTED System. It is bases off of brain washing and hypnotism. Where they wean us, they condition us slowly to believe everything they say is the truth.
As you saw with Covid you see that they have almost 90% of the population believing the great deception.
Those reading this are likely the 10% or the just possibly, hopefully another person waking up and seeing through web of lies.
We are being attacked with negative frequencies, radiation and emf’s from our cell phones, laptops, tv’s, wifi’s.
Hope & Tivon have been trying to wake people up to this and they manufacture EMF Protection Devices.
I believe that this will be a main focal point of attack from now on.
I think we all need to seriously consider discovering ways to protect us from these dangerous frequencies.
Have a look at their products → Hope & Tivon’s EMF Protection Products:

A longer video of Manly P. Hall about the Human Biofield with description can be found below in source #3.
1. Video Advice --
2. The Secret Teachings of All Ages – Manly P. Hall --
3. ***Magnetic Fields of the Human Body – Manly P. Hall --

4. The Human Atmosphere - Aura Made Visible - Walter Kilner - M.B. Cantab --

END. 5/16/2024 – 9:00 PM


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