Blue Street Lights, optogenetics

9 months ago

Imagine a Central Computer that does intelligence Gathering on another level. AI computer connected to 5G with enough computing power to monitor all smart devices across the world. Ability to read your thoughts, behaviors, location while injecting memories & Delete memories inside every chipped brain useing optogenetics Chip. Like Nero Link but you can't diel out. Only they have controle of what they implant or taken away in the brain. New song, language, or memories that have not happened. You won't know the difference. Reading your thoughts & dreams. Yes, & the ability to take controle over your body movements remotly. Full mind controle. You want to orginize protests, they can remote accsess you to forget your plans & inject new plans. This gives the AI computer the intelligence goverments can use for full controle of the world for one world government. It will know your health, movements, location, thoughts, desires, dreams, ambitions, plans & can delete what you learned or did in the passed while creating a new life in your brain that never happened. All with optogenetics chips. The blue lighting on our streets is what connects to the chips in the brain delivered from the Vax

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