NY Governor Andrew Cuomo Says He Didn't Force Mask Wearing And Business Were Shut Down Voluntarily

5 months ago

* March 20, 2020
New York governor says businesses that don't close will be fined:

All workers in non-essential businesses across New York state are required to stay home, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo just announced.

He said there will be a civil fine and mandatory closure for any business "that is not in compliance."

Nearly 1 in 5 Americans must now sequester:

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo just announced that 100% of non-essential workers must stay home.

This comes only a day after California's governor took similar measure, locking down the entire state of nearly 40 million.

These two states taking these measure means that one in five Americans now must sequester themselves due to the outbreak.

These are the rules for the most vulnerable groups:

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo laid out a series of rules all New Yorkers in the most vulnerable groups should follow in order to protect themselves from coronavirus.

This group includes seniors, those with compromised immune systems and people with underlying illnesses.

Here are the rules:

*Remain indoors

*Can go outside for solitary exercise

*Pre-screen all visitors and aides by taking their temperature

*Do not visit households with multiple people

*All vulnerable persons should wear a mask when in he company of others

*To the greatest extent possible, everyone in the presence of vulnerable people should wear a mask

*Always stay at least six feet away from individuals

*Do not take public transportation unless urgent and absolutely necessary

New York governor mandates all non-essential workers must stay home:

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo just announced that 100% of non-essential workers should stay home. Only essential businesses will be functioning.

Cuomo is calling it "New York state on pause."

"We need everyone to be safe, otherwise no one can be safe," Cuomo said.

"This is the most drastic action we can take," Cuomo said...

New York governor: "Ventilators are to this war what missiles were to World War II"

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo says the state is in dire need of ventilators to battle coronavirus, calling ventilators "the key piece of equipment."


* Concept of ventilators came from China. Ventilators were Used to Protect healthcare workers from their Infected patients, even though 75% – 90% of patients placed on ventilators died, while patients were not allowed to take Ivermectin - Thomas Renz, Esq

See also: “There is No Science, We Made it Up”
“I asked [CDC Director] Dr. Redfield about the science the CDC used to make six feet social distancing rules etc...”He said there is no science, we made it up.” "Businesses closed forever because of that policy...owners committed suicide because of that six feet rule...it destroyed their livelihood"
- Dr. Paul Alexander, Former Whitehouse COVID Taskforce

See also: Cuomo shutting non-essential businesses etc:


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