Principalities Exposed – The Takeover

4 months ago

***This is Good. This is a truther compilation by Demon Hunter. It goes over a variety of subjects from past to present.
All relevant today.

Interesting segment on on of the 13 Illuminati Family members John Todd, aka – Lance Collins from the one of the very top families ever. He explains how the Music Industry is Satanic and there are spells cast on record albums going way back. Demons are conjured by specially chosen Witches, Warklocks and Covens to conjure Demons to follow those who listen to certain records.


Some interesting segments in this video.

Ted Gunderson explains the CIA’s corruption, Kennedy Assassinations, the Bilderbergs, World Trade Center, the New World Order and the Illuminati which all flows into the Satanic Beast System of Control.

George Carlin explains how we give up our freedom for the “Illusion of Security.” All run by FEAR Propaganda.

How the TV Media found the most wanted man in the world at the time – Osama Bin Laden and had an interview with him when all the intelligence services of the world couldn’t find him. Hmmm, go figure. You buying that lie?

William Cooper begging for people just to wake up to what now is becoming obvious.

The 911 lies. How did a Building 7 go down? 100% a Controlled Demolition.

A truther video would be incomplete without something about Bill Gates as he is the depopulation man. Trump calls himself “father of vaccines”, but Gates is the “grandfather of vaccines.”

The WHO, Fauci and Gates all predicted the Covid Pandemic, which really makes it a Plandemic.

Of course, Vaccinations will be a must to control population as Bill Gates says at the 25:10 mark.

Bill Gates SR. a lawyer who is also a depopulation man, sat on the board of Planned Parenthood and helped his son set everything up for what is happening now.

How CEO’s are really resigning so they can CASH out of their stocks as they would not be able to do this is they were still head man / woman of the corporation.

How we have a FRAUDULENT Banking System which allows banks to rob from the people in every way imaginable.

The Matrix is the Luciferian System and it is a script that runs the world – you can call it a “simulation.”

The Trilateral Commission – the infiltration plan of putting their people in all areas of local, state and federal government to work on the Agenda -- another NWO, Rockefeller invention to help take over America. The CFR is in there too.

The Illuminati – another secret group that is at the top – consisting of hybrid humans who claim to have superior DNA.

How the US Government was controlling newspapers, tv media, banks, finances all the way back in the 1970’s according to former Shah of Iran.

Operation Mockingbird – the CIA tells the media what to do and say and they take “care” of them. It means the CIA can completely manipulate the news, they can tell us lies, it is all propaganda to control the minds of Americans.

Operation Gladio – the aim of which was to have Government Funded False Flag Attacks. Sound familiar folks?

How Isis was created by the Government – CIA / Mossad / Israel Operation. Whenever there is a country that is doing something against the agenda there will be a false flag to get the military special ops involved to get rid of the “traitors” of the Deep State or the Global Elite f*ckers.

Jakob Frank Liebowicz – said since we all can’t be saints, let’s be sinners, made child pedophilia a new norm. Sin is no longer sinful, it is now perceived as righteous.

1773 Jakob Frank traveled to Germany to form the Unholy Trinity with Adam Weishaupt and Mayer Amschel Rothschild – The Luciferian Beast Trinity Agreement to take over the entire world through Banking & Controlling the Money by creating a Federal Reserve Bank.

They took control of the Vatican. The Order of the Illuminati was formed to take complete control of the Vatican.

Planned Parenthood – just an evil organization in which they are really for controlling the population and making a few evil dollars on the side by selling Aborted Fetuses, Fetal Tissue and Body Parts. They get these Demon, Psychotic Doctors to work for them and they enjoy tearing babies apart piece by piece in the womb.

The Star of David – is not mentioned in the Bible or Talmud with the exception of the Star of Remphan – being the Star of Satan. *Which is on our $1 bill.

Henry Kissinger: “Military Men are Dumb, Stupid Animals to be used as Pawns for Foreign Policy.” Quoted by Monika Jensen-Stevenson, Kiss the Boy Goodbye, Dutton, 1990 p. 97, citing the Final Days, Woodward and Bernstein (Simon & Schuster, 1976.)

The Black Cube of Saturn – a cube with the codes to the Universe – the Cube of Satan. “Saturn Worship.” Saturn is the reason why we exchange wedding rings or put halos on the heads of Godly people.
The entire world has been worshiping Saturn, dubbed the “Lord of the Rings” for thousands of years.

Before the great flood, Saturn was regarded by all of mankind the Supreme God and Ruler of Kings.

Saturn – considered to be related to all the Kings – called the Divine Ancestor of all the Earthly Patriarchs.

If you are fooled by Donald Trump, the Antichrist will likely fool you too.

Now they are setting it up perfectly for Trump to come in and support Israel, while they are changing Biden’s roles to stop funding Israel.

It’s all a f*cking show people just for you. Are you enjoying it by soaking up the illusion?

Trump is 100% for Israel and could care less for the people who love him and support him as they under the spell of charm by all witch doctors who conjure demonic spiritual aid to create and maintain the illusion.

You do not have to be under the Spell anymore. You are free from the mesmerism.

Barack Obama – December 29, 20212 – Signed HR 4310. The 2013 National Defense Authorization Act – Section 1078 of the bill authorizes the use of Propaganda inside the US, which had previously been banned since 1948 (still did it though) when the Smith-Mundt Act was passed. Although they didn’t follow this law, now they “officially” don’t have to.

The 7 Talmudic Noahide Laws Ushering in the New World Order Religion.

Kaaba means CUBE. That black cube.

Allah means GOD.

The Cube of God.

The Roman Myth says that Saturn ate the son of Neptune. Neptune is the God of Water and Tridents.

What we must understand is that they educate their kind from birth to this stuff. The mystic knowledge they call it. We are not taught shit. Americans are so incredibly dumbed down.

Just to think that Trump is for us, once you dive deeper into this, you can see through it all and it’s “Holy Shit, how in the hell did I not see this?”

Once you know, you know.

It’s one Big A$$ Club and we Ain’t in it.

Source: Free Your Mind Documentaries --


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END. 5/16/2024 – 6:00 PM

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