Our Connection | Check Description

8 months ago

From a fellow Anon & I couldn’t agree more

There is a VERY STRONG connection between a lot of us that are beginning to see through the veil of deception and that makes it very special when someone speaks from wherever they are in the world. The sentiments, the feeling, the PASSION behind wanting (inner-soul driven NEED) to raise awareness to certain issues and really UNITE as a human front against what these globalists are trying to implement.

There is this WONDERFUL CONNECTION amongst MANY of us from ALL over the world from all classes and religions, that we are UNITED in this quest and this pursuit of our freedom and standing up to these globalists to defend humanity and what humanity means."

I've gotten to talk on the phone with a few of you so far with my family's Defund Wall Street Project and I've gotta say, hearing the back-stories of what some of you have been through in Life is heartbreaking, but witnessing how loving, warm, compassionate towards others and how positive and upbeat ya'll have been when the devil has done EVERYTHING in his power to try and turn you into cold, bitter, vengeful and destructive vessels, is an absolute inspirational example to me that God put you all here for this battle to extinguish the darkness and spread your Light across the lands to each and every Soul you come into contact with an touch.

You're all an amazing inspiration!

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