0019: KiCad Register Checks & Footprints (Part I) | 16-Bit Computer From Scratch

10 months ago

This video was originally released on 07-Nov-2022 on YT: https://youtu.be/opc5XwPJ6N8

My name is Adam. I'm building a 16-bit computer from scratch. I hope you will join me on this journey.

16-Bit Computer From Scratch Complete Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XH92d93l5ww&list=PLUF7WfBe0k3g9wpTtg41QP3jl5y8T1aGV

16-Bit Computer From Scratch KiCad Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ygF3kj8vQY&list=PLUF7WfBe0k3jGLDCGYyv_KxkEMcUfhyN0

16-Bit Computer From Scratch Register Module Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PiZ3pYomPFE&list=PLUF7WfBe0k3h1K0GHuQcwE9RUwpX6pBFm

0:00 Intro
0:26 Create References
1:30 Electrical Rules Check
3:02 RTFM, Adam
5:29 74AHC541 Footprint
8:52 74HC193 Footprint
14:08 74AHC138 Footprint
14:50 74AHC574 Footprint
16:15 TODOs

In this video, I create the component references. After that, I am able to run the Electrical Rules Check and resolve all the problems revealed by that check. Finally, I complete footprint association for the ICs on the Register module.

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