The New Apostolic Reformation VS. The KJB-NOW THE END BEGINS-MAY 7 2024

10 months ago

On this episode of Rightly Dividing, it's an election year, so the dial on the 'crazy meter' is locked on at 10+. There is a lot of talk about Christian Nationalism going around, and while it's connected to Donald Trump it's not coming from Trump, it's coming mostly from the Evangelicals and the apostles of the New Apostolic Reformation. A few years ago, we recommended you watch a Netflix documentary entitled 'The Family', all about Douglas Coe and the rise of the 'Christian Right' in the early 1980's in Washington, DC. If you haven't watched it, you need to. Tonight we open our King James Bibles to see exactly what the 'mandate' to Christians living in the Church Age might be, and exactly what our relationship to our government and global society should be as define by scripture. SPOILER ALERT: by attending this Bible study you will never again think for a second that America ever will be, or can ever be, great again. But what you will come away with is a new appreciation for the unique role of the Bible believer in these rapidly-escalating end times we find ourselves in.

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