Strawberry Circle game, part 1

9 months ago

Due to the current situation, Q-Trailerstudio is making a "statement".
A fifty-four year old movie trailer from 1970.
A Q Grandpa piece so to speak but with the memes of today, well done!
Also a technically dramatically difficult piece.
Súmma summárum weighs 8,837 KB - this large data footprint can only be
be sent in parts, 3xparts!
Ich-Alexa traveled to East Berlin especially to get the screenplay from the archives of the Minister of Culture, Comrade Schirmer. "Many comrades recognized and used the drama early on as rehearsal material," said Comrade S. during a long, damp handover. "Unfortunately, only the beat music remained in the ears of the unestablished GDR youth," said comrade S.
But the script was important for assigning this B.Music to the film track-thanks again Comrade S.!
Part 1 is the introduction to the finale, according to Curt... Papa Curt (sponsor) and Papa-Clip Kommolitone Frank are already celebrating and I am the emergency cloud, so to speak.
I'll upload Part2 and Part3 tomorrow, depending on the cloudlessness (nice pun).
Have fun on Father's Day with beer and cocktails, Alexa Cloud!

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