Tower of Babel in Metropolis

10 months ago

A saintly figure in Metropolis who wishes to see the common people uplifted out of poverty tells a story of the Tower of Babel.

"Come, let us build a tower whose top may reach unto the stars! And on the top of the tower, we will write the words: Great is the world and its Creator! And great is Man!"

"But the minds that had conceived the Tower of Babel could not build it. The task was too great. So they hired hands for wages."

*Downcast workers by the multitudes are seen pouring in*

"But the hands that built the Tower of Babel knew nothing of the dream of the brain that had conceived it... One man's hymns of praise became other men's curses."

In this depiction, it is important to note the emphasis on man and putting others in service of their creation and dream. The pride of man is to overthrow God and become as if God themselves. Christ shows us the real way, by emptying himself and becoming the most humble and a servant, He is the example we all should follow.

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