Pentagram in Metropolis

4 months ago

When the man who creates an AI to mimic humanity unveils his greatest creation, we find a pentagram directly behind the humanoid figure as if entering into its very mind. The dangers of AI are not lost on those of us who think for ourselves. Although technology can be used to benefit humanity in incredible ways, we cannot forget the inherent danger as well. Those with evil intent can use technology to supplant the freedoms of the people and their well-being. Our lives have been spent living in Mystery Babylon, an unseen Matrix that has attempted to hold down God's blessings and overthrow His will on the earth. Remember that Christ himself told us to pray that His will would be implemented on Earth AS it is in heaven. The powers that be surely have done everything they can to stop the world from becoming as prosperous as it could. With Godly leadership, we might have free energy, cures to cancer and most diseases and so much more yet for generations, millions have been sacrificed for the 1% greedy cabal and the avarice of Moloch.

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