Distinguished former police commissioner Anthony Schembri with “In Russia: A Brooklyn Solution” !

10 months ago

Distinguished former police commissioner Anthony Schembri talks about his release “In Russia: A Brooklyn Solution” follows the story of Lt. Anthony Migali of NYPD on an international web of deceit and murder with the task of solving Moscow’s first ever serial case full of real-life adventures, twists and turns and more! Anthony held several leadership positions in law enforcement including police commissioner for 15 years, taught courses on serial crime at Univ. of Florida, embarked on a fellowship at Harvard Russian Research Center going deeper into Russian culture and history to ensure the book’s authenticity, and the ABC’s 90’s crime drama “The Commish” was based on his real life and wrote several episodes! Check out the amazing Anthony Schembri and his latest release on all major platforms and www.anthonyschembri.com today! #anthonyschembri #author #policecommisioner #NYPD #inrussiaabrooklynsolution #anthonymigali #moscowserialkiller #serial crime #universityofflorida #harvardrussianresearchcenter #thecommish #spreaker #iheartradio #spotify #applemusic #youtube #anchorfm #bitchute #rumble #mikewagner #themikewagnershow #mikewagneranthonyschembri #themikewagnershowanthonyschembri

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