Virgin Mary Helps General Andrew Jackson win the Battle of New Orleans

4 months ago

𝗛𝗮𝘃𝗲 𝗖𝗿𝘂𝘀𝗮𝗱𝗲 𝗠𝗮𝗴𝗮𝘇𝗶𝗻𝗲 𝗗𝗲𝗹𝗶𝘃𝗲𝗿𝗲𝗱 𝘁𝗼 𝗬𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝗗𝗼𝗼𝗿! 𝗖𝗹𝗶𝗰𝗸 𝗛𝗲𝗿𝗲:

Our Lady Wins Battle at New Orleans

From every human perspective, all hope of victory at the Battle of New Orleans was deemed impossible for the Americans. There were so little arms and money that General Andrew Jackson personally visited the convent of the Ursulines, begging their prayers for an American victory. Then, what the city experienced was one of the greatest military triumphs at the hands of the Mother of God—a miraculous victory!

Our story all began when a great fire broke out, engulfing much of what would later be known as the French Quarter. Keep watching to find out what happens next!

Hello and welcome to America Needs Fatima, my name is Adrien Fonseca! If you enjoy these videos, be sure to share them with family and friends. Spreading videos about Our Lady to more people is always a good thing!

Now, let’s move on to our story, a series of miracles really.

In 1812, a great fire broke out in New Orleans. The Ursuline sisters had to flee their convent, which was in danger of being destroyed by the inferno. One of the sisters wrote an eyewitness account. She said:

“Hastily the Superior, Reverend Mother Saint Michel, commanded the nuns and school children to leave the building. As she herself turned to go, she was horrified to see Sister Saint Anthony, one of the old nuns, climbing the stairs. Following her, Rev. Mother discovered she was carrying a small statue of Our Lady. As the Superior watched, Sister Saint Anthony hurried to the window on the second floor. She set the statue on the sill facing the fire, then knelt and prayed with great confidence: ‘Oh Lady of Prompt Succor, save us or we are lost!’ At that very instant the wind veered and the flames were blown back over their path of destruction and soon died out.”

Amazing! You see, a few years before, that same Mother Superior fell on her knees and made a vow in return for Our Lady’s help with a special intention. She promised to have Our Lady honored at New Orleans under the title of Our Lady of Prompt Succor. And so she commissioned a statue and the devotion spread.

Now, I’m particularly fascinated by the next miracle in our story.

During the War of 1812, General Andrew Jackson was quickly dispatched for the defense of New Orleans, and he arrived in October 1814.

Jackson stood at the head of a few thousand little-armed to unarmed men. As 1815 dawned, it became widely known that more than 8,000 of the finest British troops were preparing for an assault on the city. The British themselves were well aware of the total lack of defenses and were confident of their victory.

So General Jackson personally visited the convent of the Ursulines, begging their prayers for an American victory. The night before, Father Dubourg led the city in prayer before the statue of Our Lady of Prompt Succor, praying for a miraculous solution.

This is incredible; I wish we saw more of this kind of Catholic devotion from modern day leaders in this country. If you agree, consider joining our Child of Mary group, to help spread the message of Our Lady. We’re on a mission to spread this kind of devotion to every corner of America, and you can be part of it! Click the link in the description down below, or click right here to find out more.

Okay, back to our story. Remember, General Jackson had just finished praying to Our Lady of Prompt Succor for a miraculous victory…

On January 8, 1815, the Americans readied for the assault, and as the morning dawned a dense fog covered the battlefield, but what happened next stunned the American defenders. The British soldiers began hearing conflicting orders, and in the confusion the “elite of England’s army” collided with one another. When American spies gave the signal that the British were in range, Jackson gave the order to fire.

British General Packenham was unhorsed and killed early on, and no natural explanation exists for the chaos and disorder that reigned among the invading troops. The lone remaining general sounded the retreat after a mere thirty minutes of engagement.

The aftermath of the battle had the defenders jumping for joy. According to numbers verified by General Jackson, more than 2,600 British soldiers lay dead or dying on the battlefield, while the Americans counted only 13. Half of the American troops never even fired a shot, and it was all said and done in only half an hour!

Our Lady Wins Battle at New Orleans

America Needs Fatima is a campaign to capture the heart and soul of America with the Message of Our Lady of Fatima. In 1917, Our Lady asked for prayer, penance and other measures to avoid chastisement of suffering, famines, and wars. She also promised that:

“Finally, my Immaculate Heart will triumph.”


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