Heroes of islamism - Umm Nidal, World's Best Mom!!!

9 months ago

Makes me feel important. They HATE me! They really HATE me!!!

But so very many of my little performance art vids are hateable and vulnerable in this way.

They have struck me, for something that's been up for six months. It.

Maryam Mohammad Yousif Farhat, aka Umm Nidal, "Mother of the Struggle". Formerly 6 sons, then only 3, through various tragic catastrophes. She is just super-amazing, as a mom, of a certain type, and a dynamic and inspirational politician, in the duly elected representational Hamasian government of gaza.

I see no reason why you should doubt my sincerity. Everything I've said is strictly accurate, according to the meaning of words.

And there's also something about Medea, from Euripides, and also about Hagar, Abraham's um, booty call ... and about Abe's OTHER firstborn son, Ishmael.

Jack H

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