Now Get This: Soros Thinks He's Some Kind of God

9 months ago

EMILY’s List is another Soros funded Fabian organization. It functions with the Democratic Party in the US and the Labor Party in Australia. .

EMILY stands for “Early Money Is Like Yeast”—because it rises like dough.

The stated aim of Emily’s List is to raise money to help progressive, (PRO ABORTION), women get elected.

The reason we can say pro-abortion is a mandate because anyone standing against abortion as one Emily List candidate found had their $100,000 support subsidy immediately withdrawn. That is why in Victoria because of Ms. Gillard’s intervention we have late term abortion right through 9 months of pregnancy. Gillard herself a socialist, Fabian and EMILY lister.

This groups funds women into Parliament. They negotiate seats (with Labor in Australia) to ensure that a woman and not necessarily the best person, gets the seat in at least 40% of the time.

EMILY’s List candidates also support “equality” — the promotion and preferential hiring of women and “diversity”— homosexual rights.

They claim to have 3,000 members and have helped 115 women into State and Federal politics in Australia.

EMILY’s List is now the second most powerful lobbying and fundraising task force in the United States. It was founded in 2007 by Ellen Malcolm (Fabian) after Soros won his court case to stop the limit that political candidates could receive from individuals to EXCLUDE donations from organizations…hence Getup, Move On AND EMILY’s List.

Soros paid $11 million to get candidates in, 10 out of the eleven were elected

According to Washington Post he paid $33 million to the BLM

And the Foundation paid $100 million to BLM

As for Australia, Greens Leader Sarah Hanson Young last month flew to Switzerland to accept her World Economic Forum, Young Global Leader for 2016. The Chairman of the World Economic Forum is none other than George Soros. So we can safely assume the Greens now have the full support of Soro’s tentacles over here.

The greatest agent of oppression of mankind in the 21st Century, he has the money to effect global change, he has the philosophy and the game plan.

He intends to force a sovereign UN based government on the world rather that a nation state model. Soros—the godfather of the left—with his socialist New World Order goals has become the most dangerous man on planet Earth, because he has the means to do it.

Soros is shaping the governments and societies of the world to the tune of $18 billion dollars a year—influencing government policy, education, media, public health, and human and women’s rights, as well as social, legal and economic engineering according to his personal and Foundation’s agenda.

Soros virtually owns the Liberal Democratic Party of America and is currently backing Hilary Clinton in the next election.

Soros intervenes in elections both in the US, and Australia. In the US he spent $42 million at the High Court of America to ensure that “non political” groups were able to give political donations and agitate for change but not have their donations scrutinized by the various electoral commissions.

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