The Young Turks SMEARS Military Officers

9 months ago

I discuss how The Young Turks are laundering a pointless story by The Lever about the Secretary of Defense Executive Fellows Program. Per The Lever, the fellows have "ranks that often require 20-plus years of service to achieve." That fact did not stop TYT, The Lever, or the Quincy Institute from smearing these fellows as nefarious lobbyists. This is terrible reporting and everyone should be sorry.

Please note that I call out "left-wing narratives" in this video, but this also applies to many right-wing narratives. I should have clarified that in the video, but I was hopped up on red pills when I wrote the script.


The Young Turks, “How Defense Contractors Are Stealing YOUR Money & Getting RICH” –

Quincy Institute, “Subsidizing the Military-Industrial Complex: A Review of the Secretary of Defense Executive Fellows (SDEF) Program” –

The Lever, “The Pentagon’s 30-Year Lobbying Swindle” –

Open Secrets, “Client Profile: Lockheed Martin” –

Force Education and Training, “Overview” –

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