Webcast: Xi Meets Macron -- New Peace Offensive Possible?

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Amid the horrifying news that Israel is beginning its operations in Rafah, the last region of the Gaza Strip not already pulverized by Israel, a different paradigm is manifesting itself in Europe, with the arrival of Chinese President Xi Jinping to France, Serbia, and Hungary.

Chinese President Xi Jinping is now in Paris for a two-day trip including a summit with President Emmanuel Macron and other meetings and events. As is often the case, the visiting president wrote an opinion piece published in France’s oldest national newspaper, in which he presented three proposals: first, that the outlook that brought about the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two nations 60 years ago radiate again in a spirit of peace and development; second, to expand bilateral economic cooperation, such as through new processes of higher productivity; and third, to work together to preserve peace and stability in the world.

Xi told reporters that he would only support an international Ukraine peace conference if it includes the participation of both Russia and Ukraine. Currently, there are plans to hold a “peace” conference without Russia in Switzerland in mid-June. The president warned against smearing China’s efforts to achieve a peaceful solution to the Ukraine situation.

The West would do well to learn from the shifting world dynamic, as recently expressed by President of the Democratic Republic of Congo Félix Tshisekedi in a polemical interview with French television during his visit to Paris last week.

The Prime Minister of Georgia pointed to one particularly glaring hypocrisy of the West: governments supporting attacks on pro-Palestinian protests while denouncing police actions in other nations.

Pointing to hypocrisy does not itself provide a solution. For that, the World Land-Bridge of the LaRouche Movement, including its particular expression in the Oasis Plan, is the path forward. Two candidates in New York, U.S. Senate candidate Diane Sare and congressional candidate Jose Vega, are taking the lead on campaigning actively for this outlook in the U.S.

Israel Orders Evacuation of Part Of Rafah: https://eir.news/2024/05/news/israel-orders-evacuation-of-part-of-rafah/
Xi-Macron Meeting Shows New Winds Blowing in the West: https://eir.news/2024/05/news/xi-macron-meeting-new-winds-blowing-in-the-west/
D.R. Congo President Reminds France, Russians and Chinese Understand Us Better: https://eir.news/2024/05/news/congo-president-in-france-russians-and-chinese-understand-us-better/
Prime Minister of Georgia Cites Police Brutality at U.S. Campuses: https://eir.news/2024/05/news/president-of-georgia-cites-police-brutality-at-u-s-campuses/
Campus Protest Opponents Decry ‘Violence,’ Then Perpetrate It Themselves: https://eir.news/2024/05/news/organizing-report/
U.S. Senate candidate Diane Sare: https://www.sareforsenate.com/
Congressional candidate Jose Vega: https://votevega.nyc/

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