
9 months ago

As I said before, Paul Bonacci is likely the most important witness because he actually won a million-dollar lawsuit against Larry King. In his deposition, he claimed that he was inducted into a government program called Project Monarch where they purposely split his personality through trauma, Satanism, and abuse so he could be molded into a puppet for their schemes. If you are well-researched in this area, you will understand that someone like Sirhan Sirhan, the man who they used as a patsy in the Kennedy assassination, was clearly under the effects of a similar program. MK Ultra splits a person's personality so they can be given orders and then never remember what happened. It's the perfect way for them to commit a crime. CIA psychologists actually admitted that they could "create" a lone gunman in six months in declassified documents. Paul Bonacci went into great detail during his deposition. He also claimed that there was high-level Satanism in these projects including blowing the whistle about the Temple of Set.

"Monarch was a program that used children to make multiple personalities, for future use, as spies and as a way to take over the United States government.

When I first got involved I was mo**ested by an airmen at an air force base involved in Monarch. His job was to recruit kids from the local neighborhood who they could make disassociate by doing traumatic things to them at a very young age."

"If one was captured...the person that was captured, would go into a personality that would have no useful information. To seem as if he was indeed crazy....These codes he (a handler) says to me when he calls make it so I will do something in that personality and I will do something in that personality and I will not remember it all in any other personality and I won't even remember it as myself."


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