👁️ IRAN-CONTRA & John Kerry 🪖🎖️

10 months ago

This post is personal; For those who served under the U.D.A. in the F.F.O.
division. This guy exposes John Kerry for the fake creep he is. Not that we didn't already know. Seems he was snuggly with commie/liberal "Hanoi Jane [Fonda]". Some of us knew that, already. Folks, what this gent won't tell you, but I will, is that it was all about - and this should not come as any big surprise, by now - gov/drugs ... drug wars. That is what most wars have been fought over.. that AND worse, AT THE SAME TIME, too. Some of US did NOT know that, at the time. We learned the HARD way!

However, 🫡🇺🇸 Delta Company and ALL. 💜

Take THAT, slime ball Kerry and filthy whore Fonda.
Jane, you ignorant SLUT!🇻🇳☠️

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