
10 months ago

"开源社会" 是指一种社会结构或系统,其运作原则类似于开源软件开发。在这样的社会中,信息、知识和资源是公开和协作共享的,强调透明度、可访问性和社区参与。这个概念倡导每个人都应该有权访问并能够为资源和思想的集体池贡献力量,从而促进创新、合作和进步。

An "open source society" refers to a social structure or system that operates on principles similar to those of open-source software development. In such a society, information, knowledge, and resources are shared openly and collaboratively, with an emphasis on transparency, accessibility, and community participation. The concept promotes the idea that everyone should have access to and be able to contribute to the collective pool of resources and ideas, fostering innovation, cooperation, and progress.

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