Episode 181 Being Real about MLMs

9 months ago

As previously mentioned I am beyond excited to have Kalika back on the show chatting with me about multi level marketing.

As a follow up to her first episode with me in Season 6 (Episode ) I just HAD to have her back to dive deeper.

We chat about what is an mlm, what are the signs you are in one, ways these groups can be predatory and manipulative and about her recent event presenting warnings to consumers so the others in this space.

Kalika spent a big part of her adult life cheering on the mlm model, the peers she made & striving to be the best should could until little by little, the true beast behind most of these companies reared its ugly head.

So she walked away and decided to share her experiences and others so more people can be informed about these and many other schemes.

After gaining momentum speaking out against these models, Kalika and some other creators found themselves at the hands of some aggressive “leaders” & their following as they had their accounts shut down for no reason.

These kind of tactics done fly here babes.

I cannot stand this type of harassment, bullying and silencing.

You should be able to speak to bad experiences and make it better.

Instead y’all bully and belittle.

F that noise.

Truly loved having this queen back on and so absolutely proud of her!

Join myself and Kalika as we chat all this mlm!

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