BILL GATES categorically states Self-Assembling Nano-Particles are in vaccine(S) "Mess Around"

4 months ago

The cause of TURBO CANCER and for the purpose of TRANS-HUMANISM, replacing humans with machines, as well as eugenic genocide. 6o6o6o

If you've never seen the real science, reports and microscopic studies, including photos and videos, then you might probably still be asleep.
If you know anyone who is still in denial, please share this with them.
Just be sure to let them know, at the same time, that there are some treatments for cleansing their blood and beating cancer. Be diplomatic.

The GATES of HELL is TELLING you❗️

Like a group of perfect strangers on a fateful trip, in a sinking ship or an airplane going down in flames, for the last time, we are all in this together,
regardless. No reason to be critical nor unkind, at a time like this. Don't blame or remind them that they acted as fools, when they were fooled or
felt compelled, or forced, into taking their dose of poison. No need to inform them they became the carriers of the disease, rather than a mutual victim, by good intention or desperate compulsion. Instead, remind yourself that we all now have contracted this disease (via airborne transference and physical contact, shedding) and are imperfect, having made our own mistakes of ignorance. ~ Yes, even if not as foolish and so critical.

Fate is mortal. Destiny is chosen.
(see the pinned comment, below)

Looking back gains nothing more than learning from our mistakes, so that we should and must only look forward - help one another. We can't take back the past. All we ever truly have is now.

Victims aren't guilty of pulling the trigger, only of becoming loaded guns.
We know who the real enemies are. The psychopathic mad scientists,
wicked liars and evil propagandists. HEAL!

For those who were blissfully naive and liberal minded, even arrogantly critical and accusatory toward the noble, incompliant resisters, they must now face and live with the consequences of their awakened arrogance and negative results, facing the facts of truth, even looking at it all through a mirror.

In times like this, daily remind yourself that "all men die, few ever truly live".
So, live well, be grateful for what you have and fight for everything you still have left. Yet, we need to do so, together. "United, we stand. Divided, we fall". Live well and you die well.

Always hold onto hope, until it is lost and gone.
Forever, cling to faith.

And, if you possess the fortitude and dignity of Spirit, pray to and serve the will of your Creator. It is the weak, who can't see their weakness. It is the arrogant, who can't see their ignorance. It is the blind who can't see creation. Without awakening, they can not be reborn. For them, this is the closest they will ever come to heaven. For us, this is the closet we shall ever be to hell. Let them continue to hate us, should they chose, but pity them.
Not everyone is strong enough to shun the world of deception, greed, fleshly desires and fear of the popular crowd and those in positions of worldly power. (They have their prince. We have our King.)

The only true evolution, is spiritual.
The only true love, is God.
God is love, not the other way around.
(Readers,,, pay close attention.)
The most important journey in life, is the spiritual sojourn.
How else, will we ever truly learn?
Not in nor by our flesh.

Much martyrdom.
( Mat24 & Rev6 )
Yet, do not be afraid to live.
Do not be afraid to fight.
Fight for your own life.
Fight for lives of others.
Fight for the everlasting life.
Fight for it, here and now.
Our Creator sent his Messiah, to die for our lives.
May everlasting life be yours.
amen 🤲🏼

NUMBERS 6:24-26

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