Eurovision 2024 - Demonic and in your face...WAKE UP!!!

9 months ago

Have to say they are really shoving it in our faces with all the satanic dark agenda stuff right now. We know how dark Eurovision is and its connection to child trafficking like many big events around the world. As Q says sometimes you cannot tell PEOPLE THE TRUTH.
You must show them.

If you think Madonna performances are demonic….well this goes all out. This is Satanic Witch Bambie Thug performing for Ireland for the semi final Eurovision contest, with black demonic black eyes, 666 paedophile symbols on her head doing a satanic ritual surrounded by fire and standing within a pentagram. The music is in a low frequency as she casts spells on stage in front of millions. Her outfit gets ripped off to reveal the transgender colours while being satanically possessed dancing with another demon. The song ends with ‘CROWN THE WITCH’ plastered behind them. This music is called ‘ouija-pop’ and the song is called ‘Doomsday Blue’.

Not satanic one bit. I’m off to light some sage and read the Bible.


~The Yorkshire Lass

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