Mortgage Fraud Exposed (Banker Deposition along with Lawyer Eplaination)

10 months ago

In this video, we expose the mortgage fraud that has robbed not only the American people, but the people of Australia and the UK. Accompanied by usury, this great mortgage scam proves that financial institutions create the value to purchase. You're home for the loan with your own signature. They do not loan you their money. They use your signature to create money and purchase the home. Then we turn around. And pay the entire thing back plus interest. That's double dipping... That's fraud.

In the video, you will first hear a deposition of a banker by a lawyer where he s many questions to finally expose the method in which the banker's fraud, the american people. And in the second part, you will hear a lawyer. Explain how through paperwork, signatures and a doing this in a very specific order, Causes YouTube. Create value for the home, Create a trust and assign the bank as the trustee. And when you already own the home, sign it back over with the deed of reconveyance... all unbeknownst to you.

As with everything else that you will see on my page, you MUST research everything. Everything I say, or anyone else says to you. Question everything, objectively listen, and learn as much as you possibly can. Stay close to the Most High and always seek wisdom. Wisdom is with those who uphold His laws.





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