Elon Musk reveals Tesla software-locked cheapest Model Y, offers 40-60 more miles of range

8 months ago

Elon Musk's latest announcement has caused a stir in the electric vehicle community.

Tesla has revealed that its cheapest Model Y, the Standard Range RWD, is software-locked and can be upgraded to offer an additional 40 to 60 miles of range for $1,500 to $2,000.

Rather than building new vehicles with smaller battery packs, Tesla has opted to use the same battery packs capable of more range and software-lock the range.

This approach has sparked a debate within the industry.

Tesla owners now have the opportunity to unlock the additional range through a software update, pending regulatory approvals.

This move has raised questions about the efficiency of carrying unused extra heavy batteries in the vehicle.

While some argue that the unused battery capacity should be utilized, Tesla maintains that it is selling vehicles with clear specs for a specific price.

The company's decision has sparked mixed reactions among Model Y SR RWD owners.

The controversy surrounding Tesla's software-locked Model Y upgrade highlights the ongoing debate about the best approach to battery capacity and vehicle specifications.

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