Evidence versus Proof - Laser and Mirror Example - Jason Verbelli

10 months ago

Is Relativity "right"?
Here is an example of Evidence versus Proof when trying to show tests for or against relativity...
Point a laser or flashlight at a mirror.
Pointing a light at a mirror, does not give you any math or proofs.
But when you point a laser at a mirror… You can interpret that scenario under Lorentz transformations.
And that will mathematically "prove" it is the same light ricocheting off the surface of the mirror and continuing on within the same frame of reference.
But that same scenario under Galilean transformations will mathematically "prove" it is a primary light hitting the mirror… And the electrons making up the surface of the mirror, will absorb that incoming primary and re-emit a brand new secondary light as an equal and opposite reaction.
And that happens at the rate of c, serving the illusion that it's the same light bouncing back.
And every point of interference and re-emission is a new frame of reference.
You can point a flashlight at a mirror 10,000 times…
That experiment will not prove either scenario.
Pointing a flashlight at a mirror does not prove it is the same light or a different light.
That "proof" is in the mathematical interpretation of the scenario.
The entire world can conduct 10,000 experiments the same over and over… All it will do is provide evidence. And the entire world is interpreting that evidence under one specific mathematical framework of Lorentz transformations and relativistic procedures.
But indeed there are other experiments to show unreconcilable discrepancies of relativity; as well as, other mathematical approaches to yield the same predictions and solutions as relativity using Galilean transformations.

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